Also known as vaper’s fatigue, vaper’s tongue is a condition in which you lose your sense of taste to all food and drink items. You can suffer from this condition if you have been vaping the same flavor continuously, or you alternate between smoking and vaping, or you have been dehydrated due to lack of water in your body. Dry mouth, blocked nose or damaged taste buds can also be the reasons for vaper’s tongue. Vaping while you have some oral disease can also result in this condition. If you are on medication, that can also affect your taste buds. Old e-liquids lose their taste, so you won’t be able to feel its taste.
Some precautions that you can take to avoid vaper’s tongue
Change the flavor – You can change the flavor of your e-juice. You might have been vaping the same flavor for a long time, which can be the reason that it has numbed your taste buds. Changing it can help you to regain your sense of taste. You can use a stronger e-juice which might give you the required taste. Or you can go for a steep e-liquid which will give you a more refined and soft taste for your damaged taste buds. You can visit for a wide range of variety in vape juice.
Smell fresh coffee beans – Coffee beans are said to reset your taste buds. Vaping the same e-liquid or very frequent vaping can make your taste buds used to the flavor of that e-liquid. So, they need to be revived for feeling new tastes. Coffee beans work in some unknown ways and reset your taste buds and allow you to have your tasting sense again.
Lemon – Like coffee, lemons are also said to have properties of renewing your sense of taste. So, you can suck on a lemon after regular intervals to keep your taste buds active. If you feel that they are very sour, you can go for lemonades and lemon sorbets. Regular intake of lemon will ensure that you don’t get vaper’s tongue, but there is no guarantee.
Rinse your nose – Your nose might be having some infection or allergy due to which your taste buds might have gone numb. Washing your nose with salt water can help in finishing and eliminating those bacteria and opening your taste buds again. If you have a cold or cough, you can consider taking saltwater steam which will open your blocked nose and re-activate your sense of smell and taste.
Give it some time and end dual vaping – Whatever you do, you need to know that reviving your taste buds will take some time. If you do these remedies regularly you may not get numb taste buds at all. Also, vaper’s tongue is not a permanent thing so don’t worry too much about it. You can also visit a dentist to get your oral hygiene checked. If you smoke both cigarettes and vapes, try to eliminate one from your habit. Not only both of them are harmful together, but you can have long term vaper’s tongue.